The hepatitis B vaccine’s value and necessity: A statement from Hepatitis B Foundation President Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH | Read more here.

B 型肝炎驗血 

有針對 B 型肝炎的驗血嗎?
您的醫生或衛生所可以安排一個簡單的 B 型肝炎驗血,稱為「B 型肝炎血檢」。可以在醫生的診所裡抽血。

血檢由三種常見的檢測組成。有時,醫生可能要求在您初診後 6 個月再次檢查您的血液,以確認您的 B 型肝炎狀態。如果您認為您最近已感染 B 型肝炎,可能需要長達 9 週的時間才能在您的血液中檢測到病毒。

您的 B 型肝炎驗血結果可能令人困惑,您想要確定您的診斷——您是感染了 B 型肝炎,還是已經從 B 型肝炎感染痊癒,或是您患有慢性 B 型肝炎?


「B 型肝炎血檢」是由哪三種檢測組成的?
B 型肝炎血檢只需要採集一個血樣,但包括三種必要的檢測來做出最後診斷:

  • HBsAg (B 型肝炎表面抗原) 
  • HBsAb 或 anti-HBs(B 型肝炎表面抗體) 
  • HBcAb 或 anti-HBc(B 型肝炎核心抗體)

什麼是 B 型肝炎表面抗原 (HBsAg)?
「陽性」或「反應性」HBsAg 檢測結果表示此人已感染 B 型肝炎病毒,可能是「急性」或「慢性」感染。受感染者可以經由血液將病毒傳給他人。

B 型肝炎表面抗體(HBsAb 或 anti-HBs)什麼是?
「陽性」或「反應性」HBsAb(或 anti-HBs)檢測結果表明,一個人要麼成功地對 B 型肝炎疫苗有反應,要麼已經從急性 B 型肝炎感染痊癒。這個結果(加上陰性 HBsAg 結果)表示您對未來的 B 型肝炎感染是免疫的(免患 B 型肝炎感染)。

什麼是B 型肝炎核心抗體 (HBcAb)?
HBcAb 是一種抗體,是病毒的一部分——它不提供保護。「陽性」或「反應性」HBcAb(或 anti-HBc)檢測結果表明過去或現在的感染。這種檢測結果的解釋視其他兩種檢測結果而定。它與保護性表面抗體(陽性 HBsAb 或 anti-HBs)共同出現表明先前的感染和痊癒。對於慢性感染者,它會通常與病毒(陽性 HBsAg)一起出現。

Hepatitis B Blood Tests

Is there a blood test for hepatitis B?
There is a simple hepatitis B blood test that your doctor or health clinic can order called the “hepatitis B blood panel”. This blood sample can be taken in the doctor’s office.

There are 3 common tests that make up this blood panel.

Sometimes the doctor may ask to check your blood again six months after your first visit to confirm your hepatitis B status. If you think you have been recently infected with hepatitis B, it can take up to 9 weeks before the virus will be detected in your blood.

Understanding your hepatitis B blood test results can be confusing, so you want to be sure about your diagnosis – are you infected with hepatitis B, have you recovered from a hepatitis B infection, or do you have a chronic hepatitis B infection?

In addition, it is helpful if you request a written copy of your blood tests so that you fully understand which tests are positive or negative.

What three tests make up the "hepatitis B blood panel"?
The hepatitis B blood panel requires only one blood sample but includes three tests that are needed to make a final diagnosis:

  • HBsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen) 
  • HBsAb or anti-HBs (hepatitis B surface antibody) 
  • HBcAb or anti-HBc (hepatitis B core antibody)

What is the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)?
A "positive" or “reactive” HBsAg test result means that the person is infected with the hepatitis B virus, which can be an "acute" or a "chronic" infection. Infected people can pass the virus on to others through their blood.

What is the hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb or anti-HBs)?
A "positive" or “reactive” HBsAb (or anti-HBs) test result indicates that a person has either successfully responded to the hepatitis B vaccine or has recovered from an acute hepatitis B infection. This result (along with a negative HbsAg result) means that you are immune to (protected from) a future hepatitis B infection.

What is the hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAb)?
The HBcAb is an antibody that is part of the virus- it does not provide protection. A "positive" or "reactive" HBcAb (or anti-HBc) test result indicates a past or present infection. The interpretation of this test result depends on the results of the other two tests. Its appearance with the protective surface antibody (positive HBsAb or anti-HBs) indicates prior infection and recovery. For chronically infected persons, it will usually appear with the virus (positive HBsAg).