The hepatitis B vaccine’s value and necessity: A statement from Hepatitis B Foundation President Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH | Read more here.

Find A Doctor

Finding a doctor:

Visit our Physician Directory to locate a doctor near you! It now includes a specific search tool to locate doctors that also manage hepatitis delta patients. You can also feel free to visit Find Expert MD to locate a doctor as well. For additional assistance locating a doctor, email

Preparing to see the doctor:

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If you have been diagnosed with hepatitis delta, it is important to find a doctor that has experience in treating liver disease. Most doctors who treat hepatitis B patients also know how to care for those infected with hepatitis delta.

Learning that you or a loved one has a hepatitis delta infection, in addition to a hepatitis B infection, can be scary and overwhelming. You may have a lot of questions but may not be sure what to ask or what to do. Because your appointment may be brief and you likely will have a lot to talk about, below are 5 useful tips:

    1. Before your appointment, obtain copies of any test results or other medical information related to your coinfection.
    2. Make a list of all symptoms, including those that may seem unimportant. Take this list with you to your appointment to make it easier to remember when you’re talking to your doctor.
    3. Make a list of all medications, including any vitamins, herbs or supplements that you're taking and discuss this list with your doctor at the appointment.
    4. Write down any questions you want to ask your doctor. List the most important questions first, in case you run out of time during your appointment.
    5. Take a family member or friend with you to the appointment. Ask them to take notes if possible and to help you remember the questions you prepared. Two sets of ears are better than one, and after the appointment you can compare notes.