The hepatitis B vaccine’s value and necessity: A statement from Hepatitis B Foundation President Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH | Read more here.












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  • 新生児や乳児のときに感染した人のうち90%が、
  • 小児(1~5歳)のときに感染した人のうち最大50%が、
  • 成人してから感染した人のうち5~10%がかかります(つまり、90%は回復します)。




  • 6ヶ月ごとに(または少なくとも年に1回)肝臓の専門医、またはB型肝炎に詳しい医師の定期診断を受け、肝臓の健康状態を監視してください。
  • 慢性B型肝炎の治療が重い肝疾患や肝がんの予防に役立つかどうか、担当の医師と話し合ってください。
  • 定期検診の際に、担当の医師に肝がんのスクリーニングも欠かさず実施してもらってください。がんを初期の段階で発見できれば、治療の選択肢が増え、治療効果も高まります。
  • アルコールと喫煙はどちらも肝臓に多くの負担をかけるため、避けるか量を制限してください。
  • 揚げものや油っこい食品は肝臓に負担がかかりますので、野菜を多く含む健康に良い食事を摂ってください。





また、新しい画期的な研究が進んでいますので、近い将来慢性B型肝を完治させられる治療法が確立されることも大いに期待されています。現在開発中の将来有望な薬のリストについては、Drug Watch(新薬安全性情報)を参照してください。






また他の薬として、免疫システムによるB型肝炎ウイルスに対する制御能力を高める免疫調節剤もあります。この調節剤は、6ヶ月から1年の間注射で投与します。最もよく処方される抗ウイルス薬には、インターフェロン アルファ-2b(イントロンA)やペグインターフェロン(Pegasys)などがあります。


B型肝炎のFDA承認薬や開発中のほかの将来有望な医薬品の全リストについては、Drug Watch(新薬安全性情報)を参照してください。

General Information

What is hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is the world's most common liver infection. It is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), which attacks and injures the liver. It is transmitted through blood, unprotected sex, shared or re-used needles, and from an infected mother to her newborn baby during pregnancy or delivery. Most infected adults are able to get rid of the hepatitis B virus without any problems. However, some adults and most infected babies and children are unable to get rid of the virus and will develop chronic (life-long) infection.

The good news is that there is a safe vaccine to prevent a hepatitis B infection and new treatments for those already infected with hepatitis B. 

How many people are affected by hepatitis B?

Worldwide, 2 billion people (1 out of 3 people) have been infected with hepatitis B; and 257 million people are chronically infected (which means they are unable to get rid of the virus). An estimated 700,000 people die each year from hepatitis B and its complications.

Why is hepatitis B more common in some parts of the world?

Hepatitis B can infect any person of any age or ethnicity, but people from parts of the world where hepatitis B is common, such as Asia, parts of Africa and South America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East, are at much higher risk for getting infected. Hepatitis B is also common among Americans who were born (or whose parents were born) in these regions.

Hepatitis B is more common in certain regions of the world because there are so many more people already infected with hepatitis B in these regions. Although hepatitis B is not an "Asian disease" or an “African disease,” it affects hundreds of millions of people from these regions – so there are more people who can pass the hepatitis B virus on to others. This increases the risk that you could get infected. Since there is a smaller number of Westerners who are infected, this group has a lower risk of infection.

In regions where hepatitis B is common, people are usually infected as newborns - from a mother who unknowingly passes the virus to her baby during delivery. Young children are also at risk if they live in close daily contact with an infected family member. Babies and children are more likely to develop a chronic hepatitis B infection because their young immune systems have trouble getting rid of the virus.

If you, or your family, is from an area of the map that is darker blue, you might be at greater risk for hepatitis B infection and should talk to a doctor about getting tested.

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Why should I be concerned about hepatitis B?

Chronic hepatitis B can lead to serious liver disease such as cirrhosis or liver cancer. It's important to get tested because early diagnosis can lead to early treatment which can save your life. Also, people who are infected can spread the virus to others. Since most people don't know they are infected, they are unknowingly spreading it to many other people. If people are not tested, hepatitis B can pass through several generations in one family and throughout the community.

One common myth is that hepatitis B can be "inherited" since several generations in one family may be infected. But hepatitis B is NOT a genetic disease -- hepatitis B is caused by a virus, which is often transmitted among family members due to mother-to-child transmission or accidental household exposure to blood. Families can break the cycle of hepatitis B infection by getting tested, vaccinated and treated.

Why is hepatitis B so dangerous?

Hepatitis B is dangerous because it is a “silent infection” that can infect people without them knowing it. Most people who are infected with hepatitis B are unaware of their infection and can unknowingly pass the virus to others through their blood and infected bodily fluids. For those who become chronically infected, there is an increased risk of developing liver failure, cirrhosis and/or liver cancer later in life. The virus can quietly and continuously attack the liver over many years without being detected. 

What is acute hepatitis B?

An acute hepatitis B infection may last up to six months (with or without symptoms) and infected persons are able to pass the virus to others during this time.

Symptoms of an acute infection may include loss of appetite, joint and muscle pain, low-grade fever, and possible stomach pain. Although most people do not experience symptoms, they can appear 60-150 days after infection, with the average being 3 months. Some people may experience more severe symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin), or a bloated stomach that may cause them to see a health care provider.

A simple blood test can tell a person if the hepatitis B virus is in their blood. If you have been diagnosed with acute hepatitis B, the doctor will need to test your blood again in 6 months to figure out if you have recovered, or if you have developed a chronic hepatitis B infection. Until your health care provider confirms that your blood test shows that there is no more hepatitis B virus in your blood, it is important to protect others from a possible infection. It is also important to have your sexual partner(s) and family members (or those you live in close household contact with) tested for hepatitis B. If they have not been infected – and have not received the hepatitis B vaccine – then they should start the hepatitis B vaccine series.

People who have acute hepatitis B are not prescribed specific hepatitis B treatment – there is no treatment that will get rid of an acute hepatitis B infection, and most people infected as adults recover on their own. Sometimes, a person with severe symptoms may be hospitalized for general support. Rest and managing symptoms are the primary goals of this medical care. A rare, life-threatening condition called “fulminant hepatitis” can occur with a new acute infection and requires immediate, urgent medical attention since a person can go into sudden liver failure.

Simple tips for taking care of your liver during an acute hepatitis B infection are to avoid alcohol, stop or limit smoking, eat healthy foods, avoid greasy or fatty foods, and talk to your health care provider about any medications you are taking (prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, vitamins or herbal supplements) to make sure they are safe for your liver. This is a good time to ask any other questions you may have. The use of vitamins and liver health supplements will likely not assist your recovery and may actually cause more harm than good to the liver.

Be sure to follow-up with your health care provider for any additional blood tests that are needed to confirm your recovery from an acute infection.

What is chronic hepatitis B?

People who test positive for the hepatitis B virus for more than six months (after their first blood test result) are diagnosed as having a chronic infection. This means their immune system was not able to get rid of the hepatitis B virus and it still remains in their blood and liver. There are effective ways to treat and manage a chronic infection, but there is no cure. If you are chronically infected, the virus will likely remain in your blood for the rest of your life.

People who have chronic hepatitis B can unknowingly pass the virus on to others. Chronic hepatitis B can also lead to serious liver diseases, such as cirrhosis or liver cancer. Not every person who is chronically infected will develop serious liver disease. However, they have a greater chance than someone who is not infected.

The risk of developing a chronic hepatitis B infection is related to the age at which one first becomes infected with the hepatitis B virus:

  • 90% of infected newborns and babies will develop a chronic hepatitis B infection
  • Up to 50% of infected children (1-5 years) will develop a chronic hepatitis B infection
  • 5-10% of infected adults will develop a chronic hepatitis B infection (that is, 90% will recover)

Learning that you have a chronic hepatitis B infection can be very upsetting. Because most people do not have symptoms and can be diagnosed decades after their initial exposure to the hepatitis B virus, it can be a shock and a surprise to be diagnosed with a chronic hepatitis B infection. The good news is that most people with chronic hepatitis B should expect to live a long and healthy life.

Infected pregnant women can pass the virus to their newborns during childbirth. Therefore, since the risk of newborns becoming chronically infected at birth is high, both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that all infants receive the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine within 12-24 hours after birth. If you are pregnant and you know that you are infected, you can make sure that your baby gets the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine within 12-24 hours after delivery!

While there is no cure for chronic hepatitis B infection, there are effective drug therapies that can control the hepatitis B virus and stop it from damaging the liver. There are also promising new drugs in the research phase that could provide a cure in the very near future. Although the risk of developing a serious liver disease or liver cancer is higher for those living with chronic hepatitis B than those who are not infected, there are still many simple things a person can do to help reduce their risk.

  • Schedule regular visits every six months (or at least every year) with a liver specialist or a health care provider who is knowledgeable about hepatitis B so they can monitor the health of your liver.
  • Talk to your health care provider about whether treatment for your chronic hepatitis B infection would be helpful in preventing serious liver disease or liver cancer.
  • Make sure that your health care provider screens you for liver cancer during your regular visits since early detection equals more treatment options and a longer life.
  • Avoid or limit alcohol and smoking since both cause a lot of stress to your liver.
  • Eat a healthy diet with lots of vegetables since fried, greasy foods are hard on your liver.

What does it mean to be a “chronic carrier”?

When someone has a chronic hepatitis B infection, their doctor may refer to them as being a “chronic carrier.” Being a “chronic carrier” means that you have a chronic hepatitis B infection, can pass the virus on to others, and you should be managed by a doctor for your infection.

Is there a cure for hepatitis B?

Most adults will recover from an acute infection on their own without the need for medication. For adults, children and infants who develop a chronic hepatitis B infection, there is currently no cure. But the good news is there are treatments that can help slow the progression of liver disease in chronically infected persons by slowing down the virus. If there is less hepatitis B virus being produced, then there is less damage being done to the liver.

With all of the new exciting research, there is great hope that a cure will be found for chronic hepatitis B in the near future. Visit our Drug Watch for a list of other promising drugs in development.

What options are there to treat my hepatitis B?

For an acute infection, there is generally no treatment other than rest and supportive measures to manage any symptoms.

For chronic hepatitis B, there are several treatments available. It is important to understand that not everyone with chronic hepatitis B needs treatment. Your doctor will help you decide if you need medication or if you can wait and monitor your condition.

There are several antiviral medications that slow down or stop the hepatitis B virus from replicating, which reduces the inflammation and damage to the liver. These antivirals are taken as a pill once a day for at least 1 year, usually longer. There are 6 U.S. FDA approved antivirals, but only three “first-line” antivirals are recommended: tenofovir disoproxil (Viread/TDF), tenofovir alafenamide (Vemlidy/TAF) and entecavir (Baraclude). First-line antivirals are recommended because they are safer and most effective. For people who do not respond to, or have access to, the first-line antiviral treatments, other options are available: telbivudine (Tyzeka, Sebivo), adefovir dipivoxil (Hepsera), and lamivudine (Epivir-HBV, Zeffix, Heptodin).

Although the FDA has approved these antivirals for chronic hepatitis B, they do not provide a complete cure. They can, however, greatly decrease the risk of developing liver damage and liver cancer. Antivirals are not meant to be stopped and started, which is why a thorough evaluation by a knowledgeable doctor is so important before beginning treatment for chronic hepatitis B.

There are also immunomodulator drugs that boost the immune system to help control the hepatitis B virus. They are given as injections over 6 months to 1 year. The most commonly prescribed include interferon alfa-2b (Intron A) and pegylated interferon (Pegasys).

You and your doctor will need to discuss the treatment options before deciding which one, if any, is best for you. For many people, these medications will decrease or stop the hepatitis B virus. This results in patients feeling better within a few months because liver damage from the virus is slowed down, or even reversed in some cases, when taken long-term.

For a complete list of FDA approved drugs and other promising drugs in development for hepatitis B, visit our Drug Watch.