The hepatitis B vaccine’s value and necessity: A statement from Hepatitis B Foundation President Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH | Read more here.

Journal Articles on Hepatitis B Research, Vaccination and Public Education

Here are selected, recent peer-reviewed journal articles and other scholarly publications that were written by Hepatitis B Foundation public health researchers and collaborators.  

Freeland C, Qureshi A, Wallace J, Kabagambe K, Desalegn H, Munoz C, Lee D, Owusu-Ansah T, Adda D, Ndow G, Yousif S, Abdalla H, Kheir O, Tu T, Cohen C (2024). Hepatitis B discrimination: global responses requiring 
global dataBMC Public Health, 24, article number 1575. doi: 10.1186/s12889-024-18918-8. [link]

Tu T, Wettengel J, Xia Y, Testoni B, Littlejohn M, Le Bert N, Ebert G, Verrier E, Tavis J, Cohen C. (2024). Major open questions in the hepatitis B and D field – Proceedings of the inaugural International emerging hepatitis B and hepatitis D researchers workshop. Virology. doi:595:11089. [link]

Zovich B, Block S J, Borondy-Jenkins F, Chen T, Moraras K, Afoakwah J, Dong M, and Cohen C, (2024). The Role of Culturally Appropriate Mediated Communication Strategies to Reduce Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer DisparitiesJournal of Health Communication, 1–10. doi:10.1080/10810730.2024.2362882 [link]

Ibrahim Y, Zovich B, Ansah, Freeland C, Jackson M, Tu T, Cohen C, (2024). Quality of life of people living with chronic hepatitis B: The role of social support system. PLOS Global Public Health; doi:10.1371/journal.pgph.0003103 [link]

Downs LOKabagambe KWilliams SCohen C, Freeland C, et al, (2024). Peer support for people living with hepatitis B virus—A foundation for treatment expansionJ Viral Hepat.001-10. doi:10.1111/jvh.13952 [link]

Jackson M, Ibrahim Y, Freeland C, et al, (2024). Barriers to accessing hepatitis B medication: a qualitative study from the USA and Canada. BMJ Open 2024;14:e080658. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-080658 [link]

Kim H, Moore K, Sanders D, Jackson M, Cohen C, Andrews R, Graham C, (2024). Implementing Adult Hepatitis B Immunization and Screening Using Electronic Health Records: A Practical Guide. Vaccines. 2024; 12(5):536. [link]

Chen J, Tu T, Cohen C, Wang S, Hsu Y, Gish R, (2024). Letter to the Editor: Halting antiviral therapy in patients with cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis B: A dangerous game?. Hepatology. 2024;79(5):E132-E133. [link]

Toumi M, Wallace J, Cohen C, et al, (2024). Experience and impact of stigma in people with chronic hepatitis B: a qualitative study in Asia, Europe, and the United StatesBMC Public Health 24, Article number: 611. [link]

Freeland, C, Lo, W, Kabagambe K, Wang S, Adda D, Graham C, Gish RG, Cohen C, (2024). Urgent need for lived experience in hepatitis B guideline development. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Volume 0, Issue 0. [link]

Zovich B, Freeland C, Moore H, Sapp K, Qureshi A, Holbert R, Zambrano J, Bhangoo D, Cohen C, Hass R, et al. (2024). Dismantling Barriers to Hepatitis B and Delta Screening, Prevention, and Linkage to Care among the PWUD Community in Philadelphia. Viruses. 2024; 16(4):628. [link]

Jackson MIbrahim YFreeland C, et al, Barriers to accessing hepatitis B medication: a qualitative study from the USA and Canada 

Wong R, Hirode G, Feld J, Wong SS, Brosgart C, Glenn J, Hamid S, Cohen C, Zovich B, Ward J, Wedemeyer H, Yurdaydin C, Gish R, (2024).  An updated assessment of hepatitis delta prevalence among adults in Canada: A meta-analysis. J Viral Hepat. Epub ahead of print. [link]

Freeland C, Adjei C, Wallace J, Wang S, Hicks J, Adda D, Kames C, Cohen C, (2024). Survey of lived experiences and challenges in hepatitis B management and treatment. BMC Public Health 24:944. [link]

Cohen C, (2023). Dangerous medicine: the story behind human experiments with hepatitisEmerging Infectious Diseases, Volume 29, Number 7 - 2023 Jul. [link]

Freeland C, Bruckbauer J, Qureshi A, Huynh K, Rutland M, et al (2023). Enhancing Hepatitis B Care Competency through Project ECHO: A Program Evaluation. Journal of Digestive Diseases and Hepatology 8: 200. DOI: 10.29011/2574-3511.100200 [link]

Freeland C, Sreepathi V, Hass RW, Fenkel JM, Torgersen J, Rothstein K, Cohen C, Gish RG, (2023). The importance of triple panel testing for hepatitis B and the burden of isolated anti-hepatitis B core antibodies within a community sample. Journal of Virus Eradication, 100358, ISSN 2055-6640 [link]

Wang M, Qureshi A, Johnson N, Mansalay A, Muhr A, Abatemarco D, Freeland C, (2023). A Health Belief Model Examination of Factors Related to Hepatitis B Screening Among African Immigrants in Philadelphia. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities [link]

Freeland C, Kanu F, Mohammed Y, Nwokoro UU, Sandhu H, Ikwe H, et al, (2023). Barriers and facilitators to hepatitis B birth dose vaccination: Perspectives from healthcare providers and pregnant women accessing antenatal care in Nigeria. PLOS Global Public Health 3(6): e0001332. [link]

Huỳnh TB, Tina Nguyễn D, Vũ N, Carroll-Scott A, Wong C, Freeland C, Parvanta C, (2023). Perceived Benefits and Barriers to Implementing Occupational Health Recommendations Among Immigrant-Owned Nail Salons in the Greater Philadelphia Region. Health Promotion Practice Mar 16:15248399231160461. doi: 10.1177/15248399231160461. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36924273. [link]

Ibrahim Y, Umstead M, Wang S, Cohen C, (2023). The Impact of Living With Chronic Hepatitis B on Quality of Life: Implications for Clinical Management. Journal of Patient Experience. 2023;10. doi:10.1177/23743735231211069 [link]

Freeland C, Cohen C, (2023). The impact of a hepatitis B diagnosisGastrointestinal Nursing, 2 Feb 2023, Volume 21, Issue Sup1 | ISSN (print): 1479-5248 | ISSN (online): 2052-2835 [link]

Cohen C, Evans A, Block, TM, (2023). Hepatitis Viruses: Hepatitis B and Hepatitis D. In: Kaslow, R.A., Stanberry, L.R., Powers, A.M. (eds) Viral Infections of Humans. Springer, New York, NY. [link]

McMahon B, Cohen C, Brown RS, et al, (2023). Opportunities to Address Gaps in Early Detection and Improve Outcomes of Liver Cancer [published online ahead of print, 2023 May 5. JNCI Cancer Spectrum 2023;7(3):pkad034. [link]

Ha YP, Sun Y, Wilkinson J, Wang S, Chien L, Wu M, Wang E, Freeland C, (2022). Implementation and outcomes of a remote hepatitis B screening program designed to overcome COVID-19 pandemic-related disruptions to community-based screenings for Asians in Greater Philadelphia: A descriptive studyHealth Science Reports. 8 August 2022, doi: 10.1002/hsr2.761 [link]

Kheir O, Freeland C, Abdo A, Yousif M, Altayeb E, Mekonnen H, (2022). Assessment of hepatitis B knowledge and awareness among the Sudanese population in Khartoum State. Pan African Medical Journal. doi:10.11604/pamj.2022.41.217.30390 [link]

Ibrahim Y, Cohen C, Araojo R, Merenda C, Dykstra S, et al, (2022). Attitudes towards clinical trial participation among people living with chronic hepatitis BJ Transl Sci. 2022; 8:1-10. Epub ahead of print. [link]

Freeland C, Mendola L, Cheng V, Cohen C, Wallace J, (2022). The unvirtuous cycle of discrimination affecting people with hepatitis B: a multi-country qualitative assessment of key-informant perspectivesInt J Equity in Health. 2022 May 31;21(1):77. [link]

Matthews P, Jack K, Wang S, Abbott J, Bryce K, Cheng B, Ghosh I, Story A, Chen J, Munoz C, Bell J, Riddell S, Goldring A, Goddard C, Moraras K, Cohen C, Brown K, Lazarus J, Elsharkawy A, (2022). A call for advocacy and patient voice to eliminate hepatitis B virus infectionLancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Apr;7(4):282-285. [link]

Silliman M, Alber M, Gib S, Gee M, Conover S, Chan C, Cohen C, Freeland C, Racho R, (2022). Comparing lengths and inclusion of information in storytelling videos: Implications for hepatitis B educationPEC Innovation. Online ahead of print. [link]

Freeland C, Mendola L, Cheng V, Cohen C, Wallace J, (2022). The unvirtuous cycle of discrimination affecting people with hepatitis B: a multi-country qualitative assessment of key-informant perspectives. International Journal for Equity in Health [link]

Huynh T, Nguyen D, Vu N, Freeland C, (2021). Development of health and safety training for Vietnamese American nail salon owners and workersmedRxiv Freeland C, Kamischke M, Jackson M, Bodor S, Block T, Cohen C, et al, (2021). Common concerns, barriers to care, and the lived experience of individuals with hepatitis B: a qualitative studyBMC Public Health [link]

Gish R, Brosgart C, Lok A, Wong R, Block T, Cohen C, et al (2021). An Updated Assessment of Chronic Hepatitis B Prevalence among Foreign-Born Persons Living in the United States. Hepatology [link]

Wang S, Cohen C, Tang A, Graham C, (2021). Hepatitis B Virus Elimination in the U.S.: Time to Dismantle Barriers and Implement SolutionsCurrent Hepatology Solutions [link]

Razavi H, Block, T, Cohen, C, et al, (2020). The case for simplifying and using absolute targets for viral hepatitis elimination goalsJournal of Viral Hepatitis [link]

Moraras K, Block J, Shiroma N, Cannizzo A, Cohen C, (2020). Protecting the Rights of Health Care Students Living With Hepatitis B Under the Americans With Disabilities ActPublic Health Reports. [link]

Tu T, Block J, Wang S, Cohen C, Douglas M, (2020). The lived experience of chronic hepatitis B: a broader view of its impacts and why we need a cureViruses [link]

Freeland C, Bodor S, Perera U, Cohen C, (2020). Barriers to Hepatitis B Screening and Prevention for African Immigrant Populations in the United States: A Qualitative Study. Viruses 2020:12(3), 305. [link]

Alber J, Cohen C, Racho R, Freeland C, Ghazvini S, Tolentino B, Almeida R, & Silliman M, (2020) Exploring the impact of storytelling on storytellers in a hepatitis B health communication contextPatient Education & Counseling[link]

Alber J, Cohen C, Bleakley A, Ghazvini S, Tolentino B, Almeida R, & Chance B, (2019). Comparing the effects of different story types and speakers in hepatitis B storytelling videosHealth Promotion Practice. [link]

Alber J, Cohen C, Nguyen G, Ghazani S, Tolentino B, (2018). Exploring communication strategies for promoting hepatitis B prevention among young Asian American adultsJournal of Health Communication; 16:1-7. [link]

Freeland C, Cohen C, Collier M, (2018). Public health response to hepatitis B exposure: A case study on gaps and opportunities to improve postexposure careInfectious Disease in Clinical Practice; 26(4):185-186. [link]

Cohen C, Alber J, Bleakley A, Grossman S, Freeland C, Alarcon K, Merchant R, (2018). Social media for hep B awareness: Young adult and community leader perspectivesHealth Promotion Practice. Advanced online publication. [link]

Alter H, Block T, Brown N, Brownstein A, Brosgart C, Chang K, Chen P, Chisari F, Cohen C, et al, (2018). A Research Agenda for Curing Chronic Hepatitis B Virus InfectionHepatology; 67(3):1127-1131. [link]

Block T, Alter H, Brown N, Brownstein A, Brosgart C, Chang K-M, Chen P-J, Cohen C, et al, (2017). Research priorities for the discovery of a cure for chronic hepatitis B: Report of a workshopAntiviral Research; 150:93-100. [link]

Cohen C, Evans A, Huang P, London W, Block J, Chen G, (2016). Hepatitis B knowledge among key stakeholders in Haimen City, China: Implications for addressing chronic HBV infectionHepatology, Medicine and Policy, 1(4):2-9. [link]

Jorgensen C, Chen S, Carnes C, Block J, Chen D, Caballero J, Moraras K, Cohen C, (2016). “Know Hepatitis B:” A Multilingual Communications campaign Promoting Testing for Hepatitis B Among Asian Americans and Pacific IslandersPublic Health Reports, 2016 Supplement 2, v131: 35-40. [link]

McMahon B, Block J, Block T, Cohen C, Evans A, Hosangadi A, London W, Sherman M, et al, (2015). Hepatitis-Associated Liver Cancer: Gaps and Opportunities to Improve CareJNCI J Natl Cancer Inst, 108(4):1-6 [link]

Gish R, Cohen C, Block J, Brosgart C, Block T, Clary R, Le L, Ninburg M, Sandt L, Kowdley K, (2015). Data supporting updating estimates of the prevalence of chronic hepatitis B and C in the United StatesHepatology, 62(5):1339-1341. [link]

Evans A, Cohen C, Huang P, Qian L, London W, Block J, Chen G, (2015). Prevention of perinatal hepatitis B transmission in Haimen City, China: Results of a community public health initiativeVaccine; epub ahead of print, pii: S0264-410X(15)00111-5. doi: 10.1016/j. Vaccine 2015.01.054. [link]

Weerasinghe I, Bannister N, Huang V, Cohen C, Caballero J, Wang S, (2015). The role of the patient-centered medical home in addressing hepatitis B perinatal transmissionAAPI Nexus, 12(1,2): 140-160. [link]

Chen G, Block J, Evans A, Huang P, Cohen C, (2014). Gateway to Care campaign: a public health initiative to reduce the burden of hepatitis B in Haimen City, ChinaBMC Public Health, 14:754-759. [link]

Beckett G, Block J, Cohen C, McMahon B, (2014). The role of primary care physician assistants in managing chronic hepatitis BJournal of the American Association of Physician Assistants, 27(3):51-54. [link]

Nguyen G, Cohen C, Evans A, Bautista R, (2014). Broadening the scope for national database sampling: a critical need. American Journal of Public Health, 104(2):e3. [link]

Cohen C, Caballero J, Martin M, Weerasinghe I, Ninde M, Block J, (2013). Eradication of Hepatitis B: A Nationwide Community Coalition Approach to Improving Vaccination, Screening, and Linkage to CareJournal of Community Health, 38(5):799-804. [link]

Evans A, London W, Gish RG, Cohen C, Block W, (2013). Chronic HBV Infection Outside Treatment Guidelines: Is Treatment Needed? Antiviral Therapy, 18(2):229-235. [link]

Apuzzio J, Block J, Cullison S, Cohen C, Leong S, London W, McHugh J, Neubauer R, Perrillo R, Squires R, Tarrant D, McMahon B, (2012). Chronic Hepatitis B in Pregnancy: A Workshop Consensus Statement on Screening, Evaluation, and Management, Part 1The Female Patient, 37(4):22-27. [link]

Apuzzio J, Block J, Cullison S, Cohen C, Leong S, London W, McHugh J, Neubauer R, Perrillo R, Squires R, Tarrant D, McMahon B, (2012). Chronic Hepatitis B in Pregnancy: A Workshop Consensus Statement on Screening, Evaluation, and Management, Part 2The Female Patient, 37(5):30-34. [link]

McHugh J, Cullison S, Apuzzio J, Block J, Cohen C, Leong S, London W, McNellis R, Neubauer R, Perrillo R, Squires R, Tarrant D, McMahon B, (2011). Chronic hepatitis B infection: A workshop consensus statement and algorithm. Journal of Family Practice, Online Exclusive. 60(9):E1-E8. [link]

Evans A, Cohen C, London W, (2011). Hepatitis B Virus in the United StatesAnnals of Internal Medicine, 155(3):205. [link]

Cohen C, McMahon B, Block J, Brosgart C, Gish R, London W, Block T, (2011). Is chronic hepatitis B being undertreated in the United States? Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 18:377-383. [link]

Cohen C, Evans  A, London W, Block J, Conti M, Block T, (2008). Underestimation of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in the United States of AmericaJournal of Viral Hepatitis, 15(1):12–13. [link]

Jessop A, Cohen C, Burke M, Conti M, Black M, (2004). Hepatitis support groups: Meeting the information and support needs of hepatitis patientsJournal of Gastroenterology Nursing, 27(4):163-169. [link]

Health-related quality of life for adults living with hepatitis B in the U.S.: a qualitative studyJournal of Patient-Reported Outcomes (2021) Research led by the Hepatitis B Foundation adds important information about the quality of life impact of living with chronic hepatitis B. The team conducted in-depth interviews with a sample of 19 individuals living with chronic hepatitis B. The study found that the psychological impact of chronic hepatitis B on study participants’ quality of life was considerable and contributed to depression, anxiety, homelessness, drug use and incarceration. The study results support the hypothesis that chronic hepatitis B impacts quality of life and often negatively affects emotional health. Findings suggest it would be beneficial to include quality of life assessment in the medical management of hepatitis B, to improve quality of life for those living with hepatitis B.

Cure Everyone and Vaccinate the Rest: The Patient Perspective on Future Hepatitis B TreatmentJournal of Viral Hepatitis (2021) While many journal articles have been written about hepatitis B, it's uncommon for one to be so focused on the people living with hepatitis B. Through qualitative interviews, this team of Hepatitis B Foundation researchers explored treatment preferences for those living with chronic hepatitis B.

Many expressed a desire for drug therapies to not cause side effects that make them sick, for instance. Overall patients preferred treatment options that were user-friendly and didn’t require visiting infusion centers.

Cost and access to treatment was also a huge concern. Many individuals reported that they would try any potential functional cure that didn’t make them sick and was affordable and accessible.

The patient interviews provide valuable data about the quality of life of patients and how a functional cure will be transformative for them. The importance of understanding treatment preferences of people living with hepatitis B is stressed as new therapies are being developed. 

An Updated Assessment of Chronic Hepatitis B Prevalence Among Foreign-Born Persons Living in the United StatesHepatology (2021) Previous research has shown that there are about 0.42 million U.S. born individuals that have chronic hepatitis B. Unfortunately, though, there has not been a comprehensive analysis of the prevalence of chronic hepatitis B in foreign born individuals. The researchers in this study gathered articles published ranging from 2009-2019 that reported the prevalence of chronic hepatitis B in emigrants and in-country populations of 117 countries. 

Hepatitis B Virus Elimination in the U.S.: Time to Dismantle Barriers and Implement SolutionsCurrent Hepatology Reports (2021) The World Health Organization has challenged the health care and public health professionals to work toward eliminating hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection as a threat by 2030, but the U.S. currently has fallen behind. This is due to various barriers, including the bureaucratic isolation of health care and public health services. The U.S. is failing to improve HBV screening and expand adult vaccination, so acute cases are increasing. Simple policy and guideline changes are recommended to allow the nation to decentralize and scale-up screening, vaccination and patient care.

Needs of Individuals Living With Hepatitis Delta Virus and Their Caregivers (2016-2019) Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a serious coinfection of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) that is estimated to affect between 48 to 72 million people worldwide. Data are limited on the informational needs of people living with HDV.

The Impact of Nail Salon Industry Policies and Regulations on Hepatitis B Awareness and Prevention, Hepatitis B Foundation (2019)
This report reviews results of an analysis of the nail salon occupational environment and culture, and identifies opportunities for state-level policy or regulatory interventions and community-based strategies to increase education, screening, prevention, and treatment for hepatitis B.