Hepatitis B Foundation President Dr. Chari Cohen is quoted in a powerful new story about hepatitis B in The New Yorker. You can read it here.


Resources for Nigerian Communities

Resources for Nigerian Communities 

Fact Sheets, Flyers and Infographics

Myths & Misconceptions              Questions to Ask Your Doctor        For Health Workers & Faith Leaders

Myths and Misconceptions         Nigerian Discussion Guide         Health Workers Faith Leaders

For Community Members             Provider Infographic

Fact Sheet 3         Serology Interpretation3

Other Resources 

PowerPoint for Educators

Nigerian Hepatitis B PPT for Educators 2

Testing/Vaccination Resources          Take This Card to Your Doctor

Nigerian TestingVax Resources3 Nigeria Testing and Vaccine Card

Where To Turn If You Are Directly Impacted by Hepatitis B

Hep B Support Community Resources3


  • Translated materials
  • Radio ads 
  • Personal testimonials

Social Media Assets

Intro to Hep B and Liver Cancer 

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5


Transmission Slide 1 Transmission Slide 10 Transmission Slide 11 Transmission Slide 12 Transmission Slide 13 Transmission Slide 49


Testing Slide 2 Testing Slide 16 Testing Slide 17 Testing Slide 18 Testing Slide 19 Testing Slide 20

Social Media Assets


Symptoms Slide 1 7 Symptoms Slide 7 Symptoms Slide 3 6


Slide 11 Slide 12


Management Slide 15 Management Slide 16 Management Slide 17 Management Slide 18 Management Slide 19 Management Slide 20 Management Slide 7 7 Management Slide 22 Management Slide 84 

Social Media Toolkit with Suggested Captions