Treatment Preferences Survey
Help us understand experiences of youth and adolescents and hepatitis B.
- Do you have hepatitis B and are you between the ages of 10-19?
OR - Are you a parent of an adolescent between the ages of 10-19?

Caregivers and Parents are welcome to complete this survey on behalf of their children. Results from this survey will be used to inform future hepatitis B guidelines and provide more information on patient preferences related to hepatitis B. If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked questions about hepatitis B current treatment experiences. Participating in this survey may not benefit you directly, but it will help us learn about the lived experience associated with hepatitis B to help strategically inform patient needs and clinical decisions. You may find answering some of the questions upsetting, but we expect that this would not be different from the kinds of things you discuss with family or friends. You may skip any questions you don’t want to answer, and you may end the interview at any time. The information you will share with us if you participate in this study will be kept completely confidential to the full extent of the law.
The survey should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. The first part covers questions about your (or your child's) own experience with testing and treatment for hepatitis B; the second part addresses your (or your child's) preferences for the different ways of delivering hepatitis B services, followed by a section on treatment burden if you (or your child) are on treatment, the impact of stigma and discrimination and reasons for treatment initiation. The survey is completely confidential, and no one will know that you have participated in the survey, and we will not be asking for any identifying information such as your name, address, or the organization you work for. We very much appreciate your time in completing this important survey.
If you have any questions about this survey or would like more information you can reach out to by email to If you need help understanding your diagnosis of hepatitis B or would like more information on hepatitis B you can also reach out to the email listed above. We are very thankful for your time and help in completing this survey.