Hepatitis B Foundation President Dr. Chari Cohen is quoted in a powerful new story about hepatitis B in The New Yorker. You can read it here.

Hepatitis B ECHO Hubs

Hepatitis B ECHO Program

ECHO Logo2

Project ECHO is case-based learning sessions between HBV specialists and primary care providers. Below is a list of ECHOs available from a wide range of organizations. 

Title  Hub time zone Hub sponsor ECHO schedule   Registration link
East Coast ET Hepatitis B Foundation; Hep B United Philadelphia 3rd Thursday of every month – 12:00PM – 1:00PM


West Coast PT Hep B Free San Francisco Bay Area 3rd Tuesday of every month, 12:30pm-1:30pm, 2021-2023 https://www.sfhepbfree.org/single-post/hepatitis-b-echo-program
Hawaii Hawaii Time Hawaii Health and Harm Reduction Center; Hep Free Hawaii Every Monday, 12:00pm-1:15pm, 8/22/22-12/12/22 https://www.hawaiilearning.org/
Gulf Coast CT Texas Heart Institute with Baylor St. Luke Medical Center 3rd Wednesday of every month – 12:00PM-1:00PM https://redcap.research.bcm.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=TCJ7WC74A7
UK GMT King’s College Hospital: HBV-HDV ECHO Once monthly, dates vary, 1:00pm-2:00pm  
Alaska AKDT Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium 2nd Tuesday of every month – 8:00am-9:00am https://www.anthc.org/what-we-do/clinical-and-research-services/hep/liverconnect/
Seattle, WA PT University of Washington Viral Hepatitis ECHO    
Lagos, Nigeria    LAGOS VIRAL HEPATITIS ECHO   Dr Ganiyat OYELEKE and Prof Lesi                       drgoyeleke@yahoo.com
South Africa   University of Cape Town, Viral Hepatitis in Sub-Saharan Africa   Wendy Sprearman
G-ECHO clinics: Chris Kassianides
Project administrator:Cheryl Valentine cheryl.valentine@uct.ac.za
Canada EDT University Health Network Ontario, Liver ECHO Every Monday, 12:00pm-1:30pm https://uhn.echoontario.ca/Our-Programs/Liver
Ethiopia Kenya Time Gastroenterology Sub-Saharan Africa ECHO Clinic

St.Paul's Hospital Millenium Medical College

Bi-weekly 4pm 2nd and 4th Tuesday   https://echo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vd-6sqDgqE93zDlc9TkTbASlHWxW4Ss-z

Professors Hailemichael Desalegn and M Topazian; drhailedy@gmail.com

United States EST dkbmed

Weekly sessions for 4 weeks from 12-1 pm EST: 

Tues: 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16

Thur: 4/27, 5/4, 5/18, 5/25


If you would like your ECHO featured on this page, please email us at info@hepb.org