The hepatitis B vaccine’s value and necessity: A statement from Hepatitis B Foundation President Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH | Read more here.

Children Living with Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B does not usually affect a child’s normal growth and development. Most children with chronic hepatitis B infections will enjoy long and healthy lives. Unlike other chronic medical conditions, there are generally no physical disabilities associated with hepatitis B, nor are there usually any physical restrictions for these children.

As a parent, you can take comfort from the fact that every child presents unique challenges. Therefore, your child with hepatitis B is just like any other child. The challenges of raising a child with hepatitis B are manageable if you are well informed and use common sense.

The Hepatitis B Foundation convened an Expert Pediatric Panel of nationally recognized pediatric liver specialists to create the first national recommendations for the screening, monitoring and treatment of children living with hepatitis B to ensure that they receive the best care possible.

HBF's Pediatric HBV Screening and Monitoring Recommendations 
(Published in Pediatrics Nov. 2009)

HBF's Pediatric HBV Management and Treatment Recommendations 
(Published in Hepatology Oct. 2010)